This is an update from an article that ran in the SF Gate not too long ago relative to what Kaiser Permanente was going to do with the potential of bringing in some new hardware – the Ipads.  As you can read below they have 2 of them and it is work in progress.  If you are not familiar with the “Garfield Technology Center” use imagethe link below where I spoke with their leader Chris McCarthy and find out.

Innovation and Learning at Kaiser Permanente – Interview With Chris McCarthy

Many of the ideas that originate from the Innovation Center also move up the ladder to other healthcare organizations for review and potential implementation outside of Kaiser Permanente.  The link below explains what the ILN is all about and about the areas of discussion they have with Chris as the leader and primary organizer. 

The Innovation Learning Network – Major Healthcare Organizations Working Together with “Design Thinking”

As you can read below, the evaluation process may take a while here as they want ensure that all bases are covered, such as disinfecting the devices if needed too which goes a little outside and beyond just normal personal and office use.  One thing we all agree on though, it’s a great looking device by all means.  BD

"Kaiser Permanente's Innovation & Advanced Technology Group has acquired two iPads with the hope of testing the iPad's ability to deliver mobile health care. We want to see how feasible is it for our clinicians to use the device to connect to our electronic health care systems and collaborate more efficiently with staff and patients. The idea is for our clinicians to be able to use the iPad to spend more time with the patient at the bedside so we can keep improving patient care and improve staff satisfaction. Kaiser Permanente is focused on providing technology-enabled, real-time connected health care. That's why we have KP HealthConnect, the world's largest civilian electronic health record, and we are always looking for new and innovative mobile health care solutions to help us leverage it. 

"The iPad shows significant potential and promise in that regard. The value of the Kaiser Permanente Garfield Health Care Innovation Center is it allows us to imagetransfer the technology to a simulated care delivery environment. Where other companies learn about the iPad from Apple commercials and their beautiful brochures, we bring the technology to the Garfield Center to assess its impact on our clinical workflow and our infrastructures.  

"For example, it's a wireless device, so what are the ramifications of that? This is going to be a tool that is used in clinics so we need to see how rugged is it. It has a beautiful design but what about ergonomics (nurses would have to walk around the hospital with it), and can it be disinfected?  We have to sift through the hype to provide a more objective recommendation to our leaders because the iPad certainly looks great on commercials"

"The iPad evaluation could take several months as it may include technology testing, clinical workflow simulation (compare iPad with other mobile devices), ergonomics assessment...etc. The clinicians could potentially use the iPad to wirelessly connect to KP's electronic medical record systems to enter or access critical patient information or have the patients using it as a conduit to patient education/training information or stay connected with the outside world."

Sean Chai

Senior IT Manager of Innovation & Advanced Technology Group at the Kaiser Permanente Sidney R. Garfield Health Care Innovation Center in San Leandro, CA


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